Inspection Hut Aafti
Inspection Hut Aafti
Located in Place Aafti City/Village Warwan of District Kishtwar near village Ganyan at an altitude of 2526 mtrs AMSL. The climate of the area weak monsoon, Precipitation is maximal (100 mm/ month in March-April & again in July-August).Snowfall in November & January. The vegetation around the Hut is Fir, Kail, spruce mixed with broad leaves species like Walnut. The Inspection Hut was established in the Year 2015. The Inspection Hut is approachable from Jammu Airport from Aafti (250 Kms.) and Udhampur Railway Station from Aafti (190 Kms.)
(Geo-reference): 33.85 3305 N/ 75.54043 E