FRH - Sangrambhatta (Kishtwar)
FRH - Sangrambhatta (Kishtwar)

From ₹ 2,000 / night
Bathroom Fan Free parking

The Forest Rest House is located in village Sangrambhatta of District/area Kishtwar. Forest Inspection Hut is located at an altitude of 1576 Meter above MSL in the Forest Campus at Sangrambhatta, Kishtwar which is about 2 Kms from Divisional Office Campus. The famous Parade Ground Kishtwar is at a distance of about half kilometre from this Inspection Hut and visitors who stay in this Inspection Hut prefers to have morning walk in the Parade Ground.The area is surrounded by Deodar, Oak, and HC Nut trees.

This Inspection Hut was constructed during 2009-10 and is well maintained. This Guest House is double storied building well finished with interior wood work.

Facility Available:  Cable TV.

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